Moemoeā - A Time for Dreaming: An Exhibition by Nigel Borell

Repeats every day until Sat Jun 15 2024.
Sun, 19/05/2024 - 11:00am to 2:00pm
Moemoeā - A Time for Dreaming: An Exhibition by Nigel Borell

Embark on a special journey with "Moemoeā - A Time for Dreaming," led by Nigel Borell, a respected figure in Māori arts. He's known for his roles as an artist, curator, writer, and advocate. In this captivating exhibition, Borell explores the deep idea of Moemoeā, inviting you to dream and imagine.

Through his powerful artworks, Borell encourages you to think about your own journey and consider new stories together. Each piece inspires reflection on connections and celebrates indigenous cultures.

About Nigel Borell:
Nigel Borell is highly praised for his dedication to sharing and protecting Māori art and heritage. His work has helped people appreciate Māori art both locally and around the world. With his knowledge of art and organizing exhibitions, Borell has put together shows that reveal the many sides of Māori art, from the old to the new.

His work isn't just about art—it brings people together and helps communities thrive. Through his passion, Borell has not only made Māori art more well-known but has also shown why indigenous cultures are so important globally.

>> Click here for more details<<

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07 306 0509


Whakatāne Galleries

49 Kakahoroa Drive
Whakatāne 3120
New Zealand
