Whakatane News

News, events, notices and free community classifieds about your local Whakatane community.

The internet and mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets could be the difference for the survival of Te Reo Maori, says a senior Maori academic.

Come on Whakatane! We desperately need your support to become New Zealands first town with 1 Gigabite per second internet connection.

How It Works

John Hall

Whakatane Plasterer come artist John Hall, has managed to have his first ever art exhibition be held in the Saatch & Saatchi Art Gallery in Auckland.

Alex, Sophie and Melinda

Sophie Foster, Alex Welch and Melinda Rangihau have worn long hair for as long as they can remember. Well now they can put away their Instylers and hair products as they're now bald!

Whakatane Tidal Wave Panic in 1960

If you hear a continuous siren sounding a Tsunami warning at 10am on Sunday 7 April, remain calm, it’s only a test.
