PAK’nSAVE Whakatane announces refurbishment

Whakatane shoppers are about to see big changes at their local PAK’nSAVE as a refurbishment project commences in September.

The upgrade will create a larger and more modern store, with a 33% increase to the store’s retail area.
The changes will ensure customers have more product choice and the wider aisles will improve the shopper experience. Skylights and windows will bring in more natural light making the customers shopping experience even more enjoyable.

Angela Bull, General Manager Property Development Foodstuffs North Island Ltd says, “The refurbishment will create a more efficient car park which will give shoppers better access to the store. A covered pedestrian canopy will also be installed which means shoppers won’t have to brave the elements with their shopping.”

“A modern building facade and store entry will be incorporated to provide a better link between PAK’nSAVE and King Street,” advises Bull.

Owner-operator Andrew Soutar is excited about the investment in the store and community.

“PAK’nSAVE Whakatane opened in 1994 and we have been a big part of the community ever since. The refurbishment is an exciting development for us, it is a significant financial investment and really shows our ongoing commitment to the Whakatane community. We’re pleased to be able to offer our customers an even better shopping experience, and we thank our customers in advance for their patience while we refurbish,” says Soutar.

Work is expected to be complete in late 2015. The store will remain open throughout the process.

Story from Food Stuffs